
  • 来源: 未知
  • 发布时间: 2016-08-22 16:18
  • 责编: 好留学网
摘要:本文为大家带来雅思大作文新闻媒体类话题(同意与否题型)的一篇范文,题目是:Newspaper is the best way to get latest information because it has more influence than other forms of media. Do you agree?

Newspaper is the best way to get latest information because it has more influence than other forms of media. Do you agree?




1. 肯定不是,理由如下:


2. 第二,关于新闻的时效性,报纸仍然比不上互联网。互联网的信息更新速度非常快,它能在几分钟之内能就被编辑和发布,所以新闻总是最新鲜的。相反,报纸的制作过程需要很长时间,印在报纸的新闻总是过时的,因为它们反映的只是昨天,而不是当前。

3. 第三,报纸的影响力远远比不上互联网。报纸由于收费和只在某些地方发行,所以影响力有限。相反,互联网的信息获取和传播是免费的,不受到空间限制。换句话说,一个小小的地域性新闻也能吸引全球数亿网名的注意。


In an Internet age, it is ridiculous that some people still argue that newspaper is the best media with the biggest influence on the public. Personally, I totally disagree with this assertion, and my reasons would be explored as below.

The first reason against this assertion is about the news transmission. Obviously, in a digital age driven by IT technology, the media of newspaper has been much inferior to the Internet, because by the latter the audience can conveniently and comfortably read news on the screen of computers at home or cell phones in walking. In other words, the Internet, instead of print media, makes news universally available for the readers.

Another reason doubting newspaper is that the information in this media expires quickly. For example, the manufacturing of a newspaper is a complicated and time-consuming process, which means the update of information in newspaper is day-to-day and its news are always focused on the yesterday. In comparison, news on the Internet can be edited and issued in very minute. That is to say, in terms of the function of ensuring the freshness of news, the Internet is far beyond the out-of-mode newspaper.

Besides, the claim that newspaper is more influential is also a lie. In fact, the influence of a newspaper is always limited, due to it has production costs and only issued in certain countries and areas. In contrast, online news is characterized by free of charge and boundlessness, which can maximize the impact and publicity of a news globally, because all Internet users worldwide could be potential readers of this news, with no geographic limitation.

In conclusion, this assertion of praising newspaper is problematic. In fact, newspaper is gradually losing the popularity among the public, and will be fully replaced by online media in the near future.

(300 words)



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